Sunday, November 30, 2008
Kesedapan hingga menjilat ibu jari
Cold Weather Deactivates Me
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Planning yet to be done
I love weekend
Friday, November 28, 2008
I am stuck again
It’s been 4 days, I didn’t cook for my dinner. And for these 4 days I ate kebab. Anyway, I am not a kind of choosy person. And kebab is not that bad. I used to eat it every dinner for the first 3 months when I was here. Hehe. But I was quite surprised because my family told me that I looked physically thin when I went back to my hometown quite some time ago. Hmm.
OK. When I start thinking about my eating habit in Malaysia, these coming holidays I wish to eat a lot. I don’t really care about the weight or body mass index as long as I can eat all I want. Hehe. Here I list down the Malaysian food that I really want to eat :
a) Nasi Lemak Sambal Sotong
b) Roti Canai Kuah Daging
c) Char Kuew Tiaw
d) Mi Goreng
e) Nasi Kandar Lauk Telur Sotong
f) Taqua Rendang
g) Pasembur
h) Ikan Terubuk Bakar
i) Popia Goreng
There are many more to be listed out but this is the most I want. Hmm. OK la. I want to have a break.
Oh ya, I am just thinking about this restaurant. These pictures were taken when I went back to Malaysia last time when my wife was charged to hospital. I brought my family to this restaurant owned by a rock legend, Amy Search which serves mainly muslim chinese food. Two thumbs up for the food!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Three days in the meeting room
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Working on Sunday?
For me, I would prefer to spend my lazy time in my room. Even though we are working in the private sector, it doesn’t mean we can easily be forced to work during the weekends except for some particular strong reasons. If we have to, this shows that the management of the company has failed to achieve the forecasted planning within the normal man-hours. Positively, this will introduce us to a good over time claims. I have heard few cases where some companies willing to offer unlimited over time claims. This will promote more people to work during weekends and somehow it will jeopardize our actual week day’s performance in the office.
This workaholic culture to some extent would also ruin our social relationship with coworkers. Having to say that, if the coworkers willing to work during weekends, that means they seemed work harder than ourselves. One day our boss will think that we are lazy if we refuse to work during weekends. Indirectly, people who don’t want to work during weekends will fight to prevent this from happening and creates an unhealthy communication with other workaholic coworkers.
Obviously, they are not wrong. But in real life, if everyone in my department willing to work until 9 pm every day, would I dare to leave the work at 5 pm? If my boss asks me to work on Sunday and everyone else said yes, would I dare to say no? See, how this symptom will sacrifice our human relations. My suggestions are to work smart and hard during normal working days and spend a quality time during weekends with your loved ones. For me, family comes first above all.
Happy Anniversary!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
London Trip 2008
We finally arrived at the Anvers station. The weather was just perfect but a bit windy. Luckily, I am wearing my snow cap cover up my ears. Walked up towards the Sacre Couer in such environment is quite challenging. At the moment, only few visitors could be seen as we walking up. The shops nearby were still closed. When we arrived at the top, we found a group of European visitors eagerly capturing some memories there and their presence really broke the silence in the morning. We walked around the area and later walked down back to the Metro station passing through the “red light” district in Paris, Pigalle area. From there, we decided to go to the China Town. My friend wanted to buy something. Reached there, I made one round tour, finally we stop by at the shop. This shop offers a lot of Asian foods and raw materials. We can easily found some Malaysian sauces, instant prata, fresh fruits & veggies, etc. Done with everything, we went off and had a lunch at the Turkish restaurant closed to our hotel. Kebab again.
Sunday – 9 Nov 2008
The next day we do A LOT of sightseeing, it was great and very tiring. We walked around London seeing the Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Parliament House, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and everything else you can imagine. The visit was a little rough. I was wondering why there were too many people around at the moment. Many people crammed the pedestrian’s walkway and some of the underground stations were closed for operation. Finally, I just knew that it was an Armistice Day! A celebration of a Remembrance Day for the 90th anniversary of the World War I. Such a big celebration that will never be missed. It was like a National Day in Malaysia where all citizens from all over the region came over and gather around early in the morning along the road to give a warm patriotic support to those parties. The war veterans, patriots, troops, groups of defense and marching bands with their unique uniform really caught my attention. After hours there, we went off to the Trafalgar Square and National Gallery. Finally, we decided to go back to our hostel for prayer and having our lunch there.
After that, we continue the visit to the London’s eye area. The weather was not really good at the moment. Strong wind and light rain really make me feel sick. Actually, I am not feeling very well on the day. Our wish to take the London’s eye view in such weather was cancelled. Then, we walked along side the river to take a bigger view of Big Ben and finally we went off to the Tower Bridge area for our last visit for the day.
Monday – 10 Nov 2008
We went out from the room a bit early. After having a breakfast at the McD next to our hostel, we continue the visit for the day to the Hyde Park, Marble Arch, Hard Rock CafĂ©, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum and Picaddily Circus. Travelling around London for a while, the lights at Picadilly Circus brought me back to Times Square at Bukit Bintang, something that’s hard to find in Paris, even on the Champs-Elysees. And of course, there are things like supermarkets and lrts with many multi-cultural looking or to be more specific, an Asian looking which will make me feel like I am back home, sort of. People here dress a lot different too. Of course, with such weather, the fashion goes beyond my imagination. Anyway, personally, I found Parisian is more fashionable and stylish in the sense of their mix and match job.
The next morning we checked out and straight away went to the St. Pancras International Station. It was a short trip indeed and I wasn’t too excited to find out what are the other places that we missed out to visit. For now at least, my traveling days are over and the most important part is that, I felt very happy and enjoy so much with my friend. Overall, I highly recommend a trip to London. It is too easy to reach every single part of London with its highly integrated underground network and I found myself easy surrounded by English speakers. It was a huge relief. The museums are overwhelming in their depth and breadth subjects covered plus most of the museums are free entry. Choose carefully and don't over-do it. It's very easy to become over-museumed there. As long as you can remember to look right, instead of left, before stepping out into the street, you should have a great time. The gardens and parks also are worth to visit. If I got a chance to go back in the near future, I will definitely want to bring my wife and spend a few days together here in central of London. Anyway, the next few weekends I have a lot of places in mind that will be spent discovering Paris with my friends before I went back to Malaysia at the end of December for my holidays. I have no complaints though. I’ve got big plans this week — most probably looking for the flea market in Paris and searching for a new restaurant which offers halal’s food. Stay tuned.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
An Autumn in London =)
Big Ben
British Museum
St. James Park
Buckingham's Palace
London's Eye
Kensington's Palace
Hyde Park
Natural History Museum
Parliament House, Big Ben, Admiralty Arch
Picaddily Circus
Trafalgar Square & National Gallery

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Berakhirnya trip ke London
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Lega tido...Trip ke London bermula
Friday, November 7, 2008
Dapat chat lama! =)
Sok dah jumaat…yahoo…jumaat la hari paling seronok sekali kat sini…maksud aku hari bekerja la….sebab nya aku diizinkan kuar gi semayang jumaat…kalu dah pi semayang jumaat tu biasa la…zohor masuk 12.30 tengahari, so dalam kol 11.45 pagi kitorg sume dah mula kan langkah ke bus station….a’ah kitorg naik bus ke masjid tu….sebelum2 ni pon aku pi naik bus…sampai opis plak lebih kurang kol 2.30 petang…huhu…penah jugak jalan kaki tapi yg tu masjid lain….jauh jugak la….kat sini memang ramai & penuh jemaah masa semayang jumaat…sebabnye area tu ramai org arab…pastu masjid plak kecik je…kalu nak rukuk tu biasanya akan langgar belakang org…kalu nak sujud plak, kene sujud kat celah2 kaki org…memang rapat dan padat…selagi ada ruang, selagi tu org masuk…memang bagus la…saf pon rapat…kdg2 aku terpikir jugak betapa “mewah” nye kat Malaysia…masjid berkarpet…ber”aircond”….luas….tapi yg kurang nye byk “gap” antara saf kat Malaysia…maksud aku tak rapat la…hmmm…aku pon bukan la pandai sgt bab2 agama ni tapi saf memang la kene rapat….kalu kat Malaysia, pantang tersentuh bahu sket terus “jauh”kan diri…hihihi…hmmm…renung2 kan lah…hihihi……
hmmm…ni aku nak cite sket pasal aktiviti malam semalam….mcm aku citekan dalam post sebelum ni, semalam pas balik keje kitorg sume (budak2 projek aku) gi umah (hotel) sorg membe aku ni….dier saje ajak kitorg lepak2 umah dier…ada la buat makan2 sket….actually tujuan utama dier buat makan2 ni sebab nak tengok video perkahwinan salah sorg membe aku tu…tgk ramai2 baru la syok…tapi disebabkan ada sorg membe kitog (merangkap lead engineer kitorg) tak dapat datang, so aktiviti tetap diteruskan mcm biasa tapi aktiviti menonton video tu terpaksa ditangguhkan….membe aku ni org korea tapi warganegara france dan kerja kat abu dhabi…haaaa….pelik kan?...tapi itula kenyataan nye…dier keje dalam projek ni sama mcm aku la…aku dari Malaysia…dier dari abu dhabi….camtu la….hmm….dier dok kat area2 hotel aku ni jugak…tapi bilik dier lagi besar….yg best nye ade compartment hall & bedroom…mcm bilik aku takde compartment…pastu kecik sket…hmmm….tak kisah la kan….membe aku ni tinggal dengan awek dier kat hotel tu…awek dier keje kat sini….sebelum kitorg sampai hotel dier, kitorg singgah kat kedai jap…dier gi beli barang2 untuk jamu kat kitorg…huhu…yg aku terharu tu, sume makanan yg dier buat sumenye berasaskan sayur2an, buah2an & ikan….sebab dier paham sket pasal Islam…Alhamdulillah…tapi macam biasa culture kat sini, kalu celebrate apa2 mesti kene minum….minuman keras….tapi untuk aku, dier beli 2 kotak jus buah….bagus tul membe aku ni…makanan yg disajikan lebih kepada “snack” ataupon starter je…ringan2 la….tapi memang sedap & mengenyangkan…antara nya tuna mayonis cheese, avocado blended, mayonis, keropok ape ntah aku tak ingat…Mexican punye keropok bersalut dengan cheese….pastu ada buah tomato kecik & carrot….last sekali roti & ikan….hmm…memang kenyang….masa makan2 tu, masing2 meluahkan perasaan pasal keje…mcm biasa…tak puas hati....mcm2 la…hihi…lepas makan2, kitorg main kad…seronok gile game ni….membe aku ni memang byk game kad ni…dulu pon aku penah main tapi jenis lain…kali ni jenis lain….layan sgt….memang riuh la bilik dier malam tu….hmmm….lebih kurang kol 11 malam kitorg sume balik….hmmm….okla…aku nak tido….sok nak gi keje awal sket…keje byk maaaa!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Malam yang kosong
Monday, November 3, 2008
Terjaga di malam hari

Pagi tadi sempat la aku chat dgn wife aku sebelum aku kuar dengan membe2 aku tu…dah lama aku tak chat lama2 dgn dier…maklum la hari biasa masing2 sibuk dgn keje…so aku takmo la ganggu dier sgt…weekend plak penuh dengan aktiviti2 lain…especially sekarang ni…aku sgt2 busy nak bawak membe2 aku berjalan masa hujung minggu…so dah tak bole la chat lama2 dgn wife aku…hmm…tapi arini wife aku gi tgk membe dier yg baru bersalin….hmm…memang seronok kalu dapat baby….mudah2an kitorg murah rezeki lepas ni…insyaAllah…amiin…hmm…sok keje…boring plak rasa nya…sebabnye lead aku cuti 2 minggu…kalu dier takde, boring sket la….tapi minggu ni byk keje nak buat….ade homework sket…bukan pasal keje tapi pasal trip ke London tu…hehe…byk bende nak kene study…tempat2 menarik…tube ticket…restaurants…masjid…dan mcm2 lagi la…tapi mungkin aku akan di guide oleh membe aku kat sana…dier skrg tengah amik pHD kat sana….actually dier ada dtg sini jumaat lepas…sebab kat sini ada tennis match…malangnye kitorg tak sempat nak jumpe…sebab cuaca buruk dan boyfriend nye kurang sihat…hmm…okla…aku nak tido la…salam….