Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hari Yang Indah Bermula =D

Alhamdulillah. Tepat jam pukul 7.15am pada hari Jumaat yang lalu, aku telah selamat mendarat di KLIA selepas 12 jam perjalanan. Detik2 manis ini sudah lama aku tunggu2 akhirnya menjadi nyata jugak. Happy sgt aku aritu sampaikan aku tak bole nak tido dalam flight sehinggakan aku sempat tgk 4 movies & main games. Susah betul nak tido dalam flight ni. Dalam kepala mcm2 pikir. Especially pasal aktiviti2 yg aku nak buat bila sampainya aku kat Malaysia nanti.

Setibanya di KLIA, aku terus menuju ke tempat bagasi. Tapi sungguh mendukacitakan sebab kena tunggu sampai 40 minit. Hampeh tul. So terpaksa la aku tunggu dengan hati yg berkobar2. Memandangkan assignment aku dah abih, so aku terpaksa bawak balik sume barang2. Tapi ada jugak barang2 yang aku tinggal kat kawan aku & ada jugak yang aku buang sebab barang byk sgt. Termasuk la barang2 yang dikirim oleh sedara mara & kawan2. Tu belum termasuk hadiah2 yg diberikan oleh kawan2 aku & juga lead aku. Terpaksa la aku beli lagi satu beg. So, kesemua nya ada 4 beg. Selamat la masa aku balik aritu, ada 4 org lagi kawan2 aku pon balik pada tarikh yang sama jugak. So, bole la check-in sume sekali. Alhamdulillah sebab tak lebih muatan.

Sesampainya aku kat umah, petang tu aku kuar dgn wife aku. Jalan2 kat Jalan TAR sebab nak beli barang sket termasuk la hadiah2 untuk kawan2 yang baru kawen. Ari sabtu tu kitorg sume berangkat ke Kluang Johor sebab ada majlis perkahwinan adik kakak ipar aku. Kitorg stay sana satu malam. Memang syiok tul gi Kluang. Di samping dapat gi kenduri dan makan2, tempat yang wajib pegi kat Kluang ni ialah Kluang Station. Tempat asal bermula nya kopi kluang station. Memang layan.

Hari Ahad petang kitorg bertolak ke KL. Keesokan harinya (hari ni) kitorg sume gi Terengganu seperti yang di janjikan. Bertolak dalam pukul 7am pastu sampai Sutra Beach Resort dalam kol 4pm. Memang penat. Jauh jugak. Tapi aku hepi gile sebab tempat ni best & sekarang ni pon aku tgh update blog dalam bilik ni. Wife aku tengah iron baju untuk esok. Hehe. Harini penat main2 air kat swimming pool & pantai. Esok plan nak shopping kat Kuala Terengganu. Hmm. OK la. Nanti aku kasi update lagi. Tunggu!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Penat daaaaa

Adeh. Penat nye arini. Malam semalam aku dah mula packing sket2. Sebab aku sgt excited nak balik. Hehe. Lagipon aku nak tengok barang2 sume tu muat ke tak nak sumbat dalam beg aku tu. Kalu tak muat terpaksa la aku beli lagi satu beg kat sini. Sekarang ni je aku ada 4 beg. Beg besar yang nak check-in, cabin luggage, beg laptop & beg camera. Selepas beberapa jam aku punggah memunggah barang2 aku tu, akhirnya aku buat kesimpulan bahawa aku kene beli beg lagi satu. Yela, barang2 dari awal tahun dulu sampai la akhir tahun kebanyakan nya aku bawak balik. Especially baju2 dan buku2. Rice cooker, first aid kit & sedikit pakaian “lama” aku terpaksa tinggal kat sini je. Barang2 dapur sume aku nak sedekah kat kawan2 Malaysia aku yang still ada kat sini.

Pagi tadi aku kuar agak awal. Aku kuar dengan 2 org kawan aku kol 7.45 pagi. Memula kitorg gi breakfast dulu kat McD. Pastu kitorg menuju ke bazaar pagi untuk beli souvenir. Masa kitorg sampai situ, kebanyakan sume dah mula bukak kedai. Ada jugak yang still susun2 barang. Aku beli souvenir untuk sedara mara yg aku terlupa nak beli masa aku balik dulu2. So kali ni kene la beli. Pastu kitorg ke Monmarte. Beli lagi. Penat tul jalan2 dari pagi sampai la ke tengahari. Dalam kol 2 petang kitorg balik.

Lepas berehat, aku kuar balik dalam kol 4 petang. Aku gi Hard Rock café sebab ada sorg membe aku dah lama kirim t-shirt. So, aku kene beli jugak. Pastu balik aku singgah shopping mall nak beli beg. Memula aku gi satu kedai ni, ada jugak beg2 yang menarik perhatian tapi sume nye mahal pada aku. Sume nye lebih 100 euro (RM500). Isk isk. Malas aku nak membazir sgt beli beg mahal2. Nanti dicampak2 jugak. So, aku pegi kedai lagi satu. Kebetulan plak time tu tgh sale gile2. Aku terus ke tempat beg, aku ternampak satu beg ni, terkejut gile aku sebab harga dier murah sgt. Kalu kat KL mungkin tak dapat harga camtu. So, terus aku beli. Malas nak survey2 lagi. Dah penat time tu. Pastu aku terus balik. Sebelum tu aku singgah beli kebab dulu untuk makan malam. Masak? Hmm. Sekarang ni aku dah kemas dapur tu so malas la nak masak2 ni. Lagipon penat da.

Dalam kol 8 malam, membe2 aku datang bilik aku. Sebab pagi tu dah plan ajak dorg datang bilik aku. Lepak2 & minum2. Sambil2 tu salah sorg membe aku ni pompuan nak tolong buatkan cucur ikan bilis kat kitorg. So aku pon ok jela. Lagipon stok serbuk cucur tu byk lagi. Bole la nak makan ringan2 malam ni sambil borak2 panjang dengan dorg. Kitorg borak2 sampai la kol 12 malam. Lama gile. Pas kemas2 dapur, aku terus terbaring. Pastu takleh nak tido plak. So aku update la blog ni =)

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Huhu. Kat sini aku nak cite sket satu berita yang agak menggemparkan. Berita yang pada aku amat memeranjatkan dan sangat memberikan 1001 kegembiraan kat aku. Peh, ayat cam syial. OK la, sebenar nye semalam ada meeting. Meeting antara “kepala2 besar” projek aku. Termasukla client, JV (joint-venture) & company aku sendiri. Tapi aku tak pegi la meeting tu.

Macam aku cakap kan dulu dalam post aku dulu, krisis ekonomi global yang melanda dewasa ini telah memberi kesan yang amat besar kat banyak company2 especially dalam automotive & manufacturing industries. Dekat UK je nak dekat 2 million org hilang pekerjaan. Bayangkan la dorg yg ada byk experience ni bole hilang keje camtu je, camne la kesan nye kat Asia ek? Tak mustahil penghijrahan besar-besaran org2 europe ni ke asia untuk mencari rezeki akan lebih ketara lepas ni. Kalu kita tengok keadaan kat Malaysia sekarang ni pon, dah ramai sgt org2 luar yang keja & menetap kat Malaysia. Apa yang diorg nampak, Malaysia ni sgt stabil secara politik & ekonomi. Dan paling best sebab kos sara hidup kat Malaysia ni sangat2 rendah pada dorg. Dengan gaji expatriate & tinggal kat Malaysia, memang sgt2 mewah. Aku berani cakap sebab aku sendiri ada member yang kawen ngan orang Europe & dorg sekarang tinggal kat apartment yang sgt mewah kat KL. Sgt ekslusif tempat tu. Bukan nak banding2 tapi itulah hakikatnya. Pada dorg kos sara hidup memang murah tapi bagi kita bergaji kecik ni memang susah nak hidup kat KL. Ada satu survey mengatakan paling kokak kita kene ada atleast rm3k kalu nak hidup kat KL. Bayangkan lah pada mereka yang bergaji rendah, camne nak survive, especially dalam keadaan ekonomi yang tak menentu ni. Hmm. Macam2 boleh berlaku. Tak mustahil krisis ekonomi kali ni merupakan yang terburuk penah berlaku. Mungkin kat Malaysia tak sekecoh macam kat Europe. Aku pon bukan la pandai sgt bab2 ekonomi ni tapi secara logik nya kenapa byk kilang ditutup? Kenapa harga minyak jatuh teruk sgt?

Hmm. Bersedia saja lah. Mungkin korang tak nampak. OK. Biar aku bagi contoh. Bila musim rambutan, harga buah rambutan jatuh. Sebab buah banyak sangat. Kadang2 kita dapat lihat kat tepi jalan, orang2 kampung main longgok2 je. Ada jugak yang biar je buah rambutan tu kat pokok sampai reput. Sebab apa? Sebab time tu rambutan murah. So, bila musim rambutan datang, tuan empunya pokok2 rambutan tu akan rugi sebab jumlah jualan atau keuntungan sgt sikit kalau nak dibandingkan dengan bayar gaji pekerja. So, tuan empunya pokok tu takkan amik pekeja. Logik kan? So, bila harga minyak jatuh teruk atau harga kereta jatuh teruk (kat europe, bole beli 1 kete dapat 1 free sekarang ni, tapi tak semua la), secara tak langsung akan bagi impak maksima kat pekerja. Memang la syok harga murah, tapi kesannya berkait2. Hmm. Tak mustahil satu hari nanti, Petro*nas akan hentikan production minyak kalu kos operasi mahal gile. Hmm. Ntahla. Aku bukan la economy expert atau analyst. Ni hanya fikiran logik aku je. Ape pon, kene selalu beringat bila berbelanja.

OK la. Aku malas nak cite panjang2 pasal situasi ekonomi sekarang ni. Tapi yang pasti, krisis ekonomi ni telah memberikan impak maksima kat projek aku. Secara mudahnya, client projek aku ni takde duit. Nak pinjam kat bank, bank pon takde duit. Nak pinjam kat JV, JV bergantung kat jualan minyak. Harga minyak skrg plak jatuh menjunam (profit sket). So, akhirnya, pagi tadi boss besar projek aku antar official email pasal meeting tu. Client telah buat keputusan untuk delay projek ni. 2010 baru start balik. Dari awal tahun 2009 sampai la 2010, hanya 20% work force diperlukan. Senang cite, hanya 20% daripada jumlah pekerja yang akan stay dalam projek ni. Tapi engineering work sume dah stop. So bayangkan lah hanya 20% daripada jumlah pekerja dari 4 operating centre yang buat projek ni. OK la. Biar aku cite sket. Projek aku ni sgt2 besar. Senang cite, company aku ni bahagi2kan keje tu kat 4 branch. Yang pertama kat Paris. Tempat aku sekarang. Yang kedua kat Lyon. Kat France jugak. Yang ketiga kat St. Petersburgh. Yang keempat kat Chennai, India. Bayangkan hanya 20% je pekerja dari 4 branch ni yang akan stay dalam projek aku ni. Lagi 80% kene join projek lain. Ramai jugak kawan2 aku yang dah berhijrah. Kesimpulannya, aku pon termasuk jugak dalam golongan 80% ni. So, pada tanggal 25 Dec 2008 ni aku akan pulang ke tanah air untuk selama2 nya!!! Takyah extend lagi!!! Yahoooo!!! Happy nye aku!!! Akhirnya!!! Hahaha!!! Dah setahun beb!!! Alhamdulillah. I am going back!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Errkk. Alhamdulillah. Baru bedal kebab. Adeh, aku rasa tak sihat sgt sekarang ni. Waktu lunch makan agak seimbang la. Bila makan malam mula la merapu. Semalam aku makan 2 biji filet-o-fish. Yang best nye kat area aku ni, kalu aku makan McD & tunjuk ID card opis aku, nanti dapat lagi satu burger. Maknanya sekali aku beli memang dapat dua. So, dengan hati yang terbuka aku makan la dua burger. Hmm. Takot jugak asyik makan mende2 camni je. Tapi tu la, malas nak masak. Kalu masak pon bukan nya makanan yang sihat pon. Hmm. Buat penat je. Semalam pas balik keje, aku & kawan2 aku gi shopping mall. Beli hadiah untuk Christmas ni. Actually, membe aku sorg ni akan buat “rumah terbuka” untuk Christmas ni. So setiap kitorg kene beli satu hadiah. Hadiah tu pulak kene rahsiakan. Sebab nanti hadiah tu akan disembunyikan & sapa yang dapat jumpa so tu hadiah dier la. Hide & seek la. Aku dah beli hadiah tu semalam. Bende budak2 je. Tapi syarat dia, hadiah tu mestila berharga 5 euro ke atas. Hehe. Pengalaman baru untuk aku. Nanti akan aku uploadkan gamba2 tu nanti. Actually byk lagi gamba aktiviti2 aku dengan membe2 aku ni tapi x sempat nak update dalam blog ni. Malas gile.

Hmm. Malam ni aku makan kebab. Actually arini pas balik keje aku gi tengok wayang dengan membe aku. Saja boring2. Ni kali kedua aku tgk wayang kat sini. Dulu aku tengok cite James Bond. Pastu malam ni aku tengok cite “Burn After Reading”. Best jugak cite ni. Tak berat sgt. Kelaka jugak. Bole la. Berbaloi la bayar tiket 10 euro. Hmm. Pas tengok wayang terus aku singgah beli kebab & terus balik bilik. Cuaca time ni sgt sejuk. Takat beku air pada 1 atm. Senang cite 0 degree Celcius la. Kene plak ada angin, hmm sendiri mau ingat la.

Sok dah rabu. Minggu depan khamis aku dah balik bercuti. Yay! Tak sabar nye aku. Hujung minggu ni aku kene jugak kuar beli barang2. Wajib kuar. Actually dah lama jugak aku tak kuar jalan2. Selalu kuar pon gi makan je. Then terus balik. Tak tahan aku cuaca sejuk ni. Hmm. Ok la. Aku nak layan air Nescafe la. Dah lama tak minum. Hmm. Buat air pon malas, ni kan plak nak masak. Hmm. Jgn harap la.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hari Yang Malas

Hmm. Aku baru bangun tido. Semalam tido kol 4 pagi. Borak2 dengan wife aku. Pening jugak kepala ni. Dah la kelaparan ni. OK la. Aku nak masak cucur ikan bilis jap.


Hmm. Boring nye. Wife aku dah tido. Takleh nak chat lama2 dengan dia. Aku ingat nak kuar japgi. Nak beli barang2 sket. Maklum la lagi seminggu lebih aku nak balik bercuti. Hehe. So, nak beli souvenir sket untuk sedara mara & membe2 yg ada pesan barang kat sini. Kebetulan plak ada 3 couple yg bakal mendirikan rumahtangga. So, aku ingat nak beli hadiah kat sini je. Hmm. Tengok la keadaan camne dulu. Lagipon sekarang ni hujan. Gelap gelita kat luar tu. Suhu mungkin akan mencecah -2 degree Celcius. Macam semalam. Naik kebas telinga, muka & tangan aku. Camne la nak pi site kat Russia yang suhu boleh cecah sampai -41 degree Celcius. Isk isk. Tak sanggup aku.

Pagi tadi aku sempat la chat dengan wife aku. Seronok sangat. Dah lama tak chat lama2 camni. Biasala, masing2 busy masa week days. Tak sempat nak borak. Tapi kadang2 ada jugak aku kacau dia pagi2 buta. Hehe. Tu la nama nya pengorbanan kan? Tapi dia memang byk berkorban untuk aku. Sume urusan2 kat Malaysia sume dia handle sendiri. Pagi tadi pas balik keje dia terus gi workshop keta. Dah kena buat maintenance. Pasni kena tukar tayar plak. Sume dah nak botak. Macam kepala aku jugak. Hehe.

Hmm. Kalu hujan tak henti2 jugak, aku malas la nak kuar. Tak tahan sejuk. Basah plak tu, lagi la sejuk. Tapi kalu boleh aku nak settle beli sume barang2 minggu ni. Minggu depan dah malas nak kuar sebab dah nak start packing2 barang. Mungkin aku akan bawak balik barang2 semaksimum yang mungkin. Pastu barang2 yang lain bole tinggal kat bilik membe aku.

Hmm. OK la. Aku nak relax2 jap sambil tgk bola ni. Huhu.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Go Go GREEN! Haha. Welcome to my new look blog. I am sure some of you out there will have rolling eyes when reading my blog. Maybe some might say the color is too glittering and too striking. Actually, I have chosen a GREEN as the theme color due to some reasons. As we all know, when our eyes getting tired and irritated with a daily jam-packed office work, we can somehow make it feel better by looking at something in GREEN color. This is logically true because GREEN is the color of nature (trees and grasses) which has a nature-relaxing therapy and is considered to be one of the most healing among all the colors.

Below are some beneficial points of GREEN color that I manage to grab from a color-therapy website in term of physical and psychological point of view. Anyway, I really don’t know scientifically how the color may affect us because some of them may sound funny and too precisely. Hmm.

- Green is cooling, soothing, and calming both physically and mentally. If you are exhausted, green initially has a beneficial effect, but after a time, it becomes tiring.
- Green acts upon the sympathetic nervous system. It relieves tension in the blood vessels and lowers the blood pressure. It acts upon the nervous system as a sedative and is helpful in sleeplessness, exhaustion, and irritability.
- Green dilates the capillaries and produces a sensation of warmth.
- Green is a muscle and tissue builder.
- Green is an aphrodisiac and a sex tonic.
- Green is a disinfectant, germicide, antiseptic and bacteriocide.

- Green awakens greater friendliness, hope, faith, and peace.
- Green is restful and revitalizing to overtaxed mental conditions. It is emotionally soothing.
- Green loosens and equalizes the etheric body.
- Green is the color of energy, youth, growth, inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life.
- Green is the color of envy, jealousy, and superstition.
- Green is an emotional stabilizer and pituitary stimulant.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Malam Yang Pantas

Hmm...Sebenarnye takde ape pon nak cite...actually aku baru je lepas "upgrade" sket blog aku ni...saje dok main2 dgn HTML tu...ni la hasilnye...byk bende lagi aku nak buat...nak bagi cun sket...hehe....nanti la kalu aku ada masa...skrg ni pon buat cepat2 je...arini balik pon lewat...sok dah jumaat...yahoooo....syok nye aku...weekend ni aku nak relax puas2....ok la...aku mau tido...sudah lewat maa....salam

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Aku Hampa

Dah kol 11.30 malam. Aku masih lom tido. Kecewa sgt sebab aku tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu, last2 software yg aku download tu tak bole guna plak. Huhu.
Tapi pada masa yg sama sempat jugak aku kacau wife aku yg tengah nyenyak tido. Hehe. Sempak la kitorg borak2 kejap. Pastu dier sambung tido. Aku pon tanak la ganggu dier sgt. Lagipon skrg ni dier agak busy kat opis. Aku pon camtu gak. Minggu ni je ada 3 kali meeting dgn vendor. Penat tul. Petang tadi aku balik agak lewat. Dalam kol 7.30 malam baru kuar opis. Pastu aku terus gi McD. Dah taktau nak makan apa. Kebab dah tak lalu. Nak masak tak larat plak. Last2 aku gi McD jela. Hmm. OK la. Aku nak relax2 jap sambil makan keropok & minum air teh. Sok kene gi opis awal. Byk plak keje aku sebelum nak bercuti ni. Hmm.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I have never thought that internet can influence so many things in my life. Since the internet connection has not been improved till now, I was a bit depressed. Coming from Malaysia, a place where I was born surrounded by joyful families and relatives and always kept busy by numbers of social and outdoor activities with my friends, I am totally lost here especially when the internet connection is not working as supposedly. I thought it will take only the last weekend due to maintenance jobs but my prediction was completely wrong. I am still unable to connect to the internet in my room and fortunately it is not just happened to me. So, this is not really my problem. I just found out that there is a notice posted next to the lift which highlights on this internet failure and the bad news is the hotel management didn’t know till when this problem may be resolved. Hmm.

OK. Maybe it’s not too late for me to wish you all “SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA”. When I called my wife this morning, she was back from her friend’s open house. Sort of. She told me that her friend has prepared a lot of most favorite dishes during this celebration. I listened to her imaginatively. Later, I informed her that internet connection in my room still remains badly and then I went straight to my office. Yeah, I am working today!

When I checked my mails, there were only few mails sent by my Manager concerning some vendor documents that need to be commented. There were no mails from my friends in Malaysia which normally makes my mailbox full every day with their continuous “reply to all” jokes. Sometimes, their mails really make my day after all nerve-racking day. I am sure my mailbox will get back to its maximum capacity tomorrow.

I think internet really makes me a different person in the sense of my social interaction with friends. In other words, it makes me always take things for granted. Kind of. For example, one of my old friends is happen to get married recently and I knew about it from the e-community. Actually, he has sent an invitation card to my parent’s house but since I am still stuck here, so I just leave him a message via email and congratulate him for approaching a new and blissful phase of his life without checking whether the message has been delivered properly or not (may happen due to bad internet connection). By mistake, he didn’t received my message and few days later he called and invited me personally to his wedding reception which will take place a week later. After few minutes of laughing and talking with him since years we left our high school, finally he knows that I am not able to be part of his big day.
*This post was published yesterday when wireless connection was temporarily available in my room

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Internet Dah OK =)

Adeh. Penatnye. Actually, pagi ni masa aku bangun, internet connection sgt2 teruk. Kebetulan plak masa tu wife aku baru balik dari opis, pastu dier call aku tanye aku kat mana. Time tu aku baru bgn tido. Pastu nak online, tak bole plak. Kecewa tul. Lama gak aku try. Last2 aku call receptionist. Dier bagitau memang ada problem. Isnin ni baru OK. Hmm. So, tak dpt la aku chat dgn wife aku.

Lepas tu, aku masak air and buat cucur ikan bilis. Lapar. Padahal malam semalam aku dah bedal nasi beriyani udang & roti nan ngan kuah dhal. Memang puas ati makan semalam. Sebab semalam aku tak makan masa lunch. Sebab ari jumaat biasa nya memang tak sempat nak makan lunch. Biasa nya akan sampai opis lebih kul 2 petang pas semayang jumaat. Cafeteria pon dah tutup. So, tak kisah la tak makan lunch. Tapi dinner memang aku bantai habis2an.

Pagi tadi pas makan cucur ikan bilis ngan roti, aku terus siap2 kuar. Maklum la takde apa nak buat kalu internet takde. Memang boring gile. TV sume cite ngarut2. Boring plak aku. Lagipon aku dah lama tak main2 dgn kamera aku tu. Kebetulan plak skrg ni “musim raya”. Maksud aku Christmas la. Aidiladha yg tinggal lagi 2 ari ni memang takde sambutan kat sini. Best la kat Malaysia cuti. Tapi takpe, Christmas nanti aku plak cuti. Panjang plak tu. Haha.

OK. Memula aku jalan2 area tempat aku ni. Ada Christmas market. Meriah sgt. Mcm2 ada. Market ni ala2 bazaar raya macam kat Jalan TAR la tapi lebih bersih, selesa dan besar. Walaupon penuh dgn org, tapi tetap tak rase sesak. So, bole la nak stop kat sume kedai tu. Aku tgk2 je. Taktau nak beli apa. Hehe.

Lepas penat pusing2 kat market tu, aku gi McD plak. Masa untuk lunch. Memang penuh gile dgn org. selamat la aku ni sebatang kara je time tu. Senang sket nak cari tempat duduk. Lepas makan, aku pusing2 dalam shopping mall tu. Saje tgk2 sebab kat berita skrg ni kecoh pasal Christmas sale. Tapi bile aku survey2, takde la sale pon. Biasa je. Tak macam Malaysia. Kalu sale tak ingat. Sampai nak parking pon kat tepi jalan. Punye dasyat org Malaysia shopping. Hehe. Tapi kebanyakan kedai2 yg aku pegi dalam mall tu, sume harga lebih kurang mcm biasa je. So, aku tak beli la apa2. Ingat nak jugak beli. Tapi nanti la. Hehe.

OK. Lepas aku penat pusing2 dalam mall tu, aku terus balik bilik aku. Sebelum tu aku singgah beli kebab dulu untuk makan malam. Hehe. Sampai kat bilik, aku rest kejap & try online. Sama jugak. Takleh nak online. Hish. Geram gile. Lepas maghrib, aku kuar lagi. Memula aku ajak kawan aku sorg. Tapi dier tak larat nak kuar. So takpe la. Aku tak kisah. Lagipon aku dah biasa jalan sorg2 kat sini. Kat Malaysia dulu2 pon aku camtu gak. Hehe.

Memandangkan sambutan Christmas kat sini sgt2 meriah, so waktu malam memang penuh dengan lampu2 yg menarik. Ada pokok Christmas, ada patung salji tu dan macam2 lagi la. Masa aku sampai kat Champs de Elysees, memang penuh gile dengan org. Biasa la tempat tu memang tempat shopping. Memang cantik sgt tempat tu waktu malam sempena sambutan Christmas ni. Pokok2 sepanjang jalan dihias dengan lampu liplap2 yg menarik dan cantik. Suasana time tu sgt2 meriah. Cuaca pon ok. Tak sejuk sgt.

Memang penat sgt aku jalan arini. Bukan penat jalan je, tapi penat bawak kamera aku yg berat ni ditambah plak dengan tripod yg kejap nak pasang, kejap nak simpan, hmmm, memang penat la. Tapi nak buat camne, dah sorg2. Tapi aku sgt2 puas ati sebab dapat main2 dgn kamera aku & yg paling penting aku dapat exercise sket sebab aku jalan byk sgt arini. Hehe. Tapi sekarang ni mula la kaki rase lenguh2. Adeh. OK la. Aku mau buat air.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I can't sleep =(

Adeh. I can’t sleep. This morning around 3.30 am, someone has called me. I am not really sure what the conversation was all about but she called me from Midvalley, Kuala Lumpur. And she knows that I am still in Paris. Hmm. She said, “Oh you are still in Paris, hmm ok” and later hang up the phone. After a while, I get off the bed and check some updates from my family, then lay back to the bed. Poor me. My eyes won’t allow me to fall asleep again. OK, since a lot of things need to be done this week, so I think I will go to the office a little bit early today. Actually, I need to find a balance between what I want out of life and what I know I can get right now. There are tremendous and big opportunity waiting for me out there but I need to be more realistic about what I can accomplish. My lead used to tell me that “there are no problems, just difficulties.” What a good quotes that still playing around in my head. If I can be adaptable with my expectations, I hope I will start finding more successes coming in my way. InsyaAllah.

I Hate..................................................

I hate meetings. I hate latecomers. I hate being limited. I HATE LAST-MINUTE ACTION!

The latter really pissed me off. But as I always said to myself, please be gentled and act calmly in such situation, the more disturbances feeling has polluted my mind. My schedule at work is packed and everyone has the same thing also. I have to admit that. There are no notable differences from me to others. Is that means I am not a well-organized person or I am not well-prepared to be part of this business? OK, let me release out my awful thoughts.

My desk is always hidden by load of files and documents. Sometimes, I find difficulties to locate my mouse which trapped and buried under the paper works. But, is it because of too much work? Yes, in general. So, is that a tolerable excuse? Hmm. Just forget about it. What I really need to do now is to change my attitude towards this small issue. We were given 24 hours per day. No complaint about that. I have to find a way and free time to re-organize everything and tidy up the mess at my workstation. Anyway, what the heck about the I HATE LAST-MINUTE ACTION?

OK, in fact, I am really lack of time in the office. Most of the time (recently) I spent in the meeting room. A lot of discussions need to be performed either with internal or external party. I hate meetings because sometimes I feel it is not really necessary especially when dealing with team mate. In the meeting room, everyone looked outspoken and passionate with their role but when it comes to the responsibility, somehow, they turn silently looked to each other and make a cute smiley face hoping that all the loads will not punching their head. It doesn’t mean that I am swallowing every single mess fed but if you were assigned with pile of works while the other has only little tiny small work to do, what do you feel? Personally, I am glad about it since I love my job but when I am forced and pressured to perform and finish all the works within limited time or the same timing with the one has less workload, it can be so annoying.

Once you feel annoyed with such experience, it may turn out terribly when you are the only person who attends the meeting on time with other external party. It looks like a small issue but I really hate latecomers. Sorry to say that. But, what do you feel when you attend a meeting on time expecting everyone is there, but after 20 minutes of the discussion, the latecomer just walk-in and join the meeting. It will not only disturb the talk, but sometimes the chairman politely recalls back every minute and “re-starts” again the meeting. 1 hour meeting turns to 2 hours. Argghhh! With the time delayed and struggling with the remaining hours in the office, I feel unhappy if I didn’t contribute anything to the meeting. Having to say that, I feel very irritating if the meeting is conducted in other “don’t know” language. With limited time and limited of understanding, I am about to burst my patience limit. Post meeting, I need to spend some time to get some explanations before I leave the room. Again, I am really running out of time.

While continuing to finish up some works, at all of sudden, my manager approached me and said “There will be a meeting at 2 pm today and you have to attend it.” I was so surprised and shocked with the spontaneous news. At the time I was just back from my lunch and it was 1.30 pm. So, I have another 30 minutes to get ready and rearrange all my works again. I am very obsessive about getting work done, and for each minute or each hour I spend in a useless meeting, that's one minute or one hour where my very necessary work doesn't get done. Damn, I HATE LAST-MINUTE ACTION!

Monday, December 1, 2008

In Memories - 1st Dec 2007

Oh. Tomorrow is 1st of December. What’s the matter? Actually, it was a date of my wedding reception at my parent’s residence last year. Alhamdulillah, everything was completely fine. When I recalled back those sweet memories, I know this meaningful day will not happen without tireless help from my families and relatives. The day really makes me busy to meet every attendance and I deeply ask for the forgiveness if I have indirectly not pleased everyone for all the deficiency.

OK. This coming school holidays will be an abundance of wedding events. Many couples took this opportunity to end up their engagement or friendship with a blessed and blissfully bond. I took about 9 months in advance to plan everything about the ceremony and here I make an action list that may be elaborated further for your own wedding event.

- engaging “mak andam” and the caterer
- buying the hantaran
- booking a decorator for the hantaran
- booking a wedding photographer
- booking an MC for the event
- buying souvenirs and gifts for the attendance
- searching for kompang team somewhere around the residence area.
- surveying wedding cards available in market for good design and value.
- preparing a name list for the invitation and releasing the cards a month before the ceremony
- preparing a signboard and place them along the road side at reasonable spot
- planning and booking for honeymoon package
- reconfirm and check every single action that has been made

Further to the actions, here I would remind you all for some critical issues that I think is very crucial and some people just take it for a granted and somehow it can spoil our big plan.

- Always keep the receipt for whatever expenditure that you have made. This can be very useful for estimating your total expenditure and how to re-plan your spending.
- Always clear and understand about everything that you have booked. For example, you might need to know the breakdown of the expenses that mak andam has offered. If possible, write it somewhere so you can retrieve back if the mak andam try to manipulate you.
- Always keep every contact person in your handphone. You may need them at anytime. For example, while you are shopping for the souvenirs and gifts, you accidentally look at a bunch of beautiful fake flowers. Then, you can get some feedback from your mak andam for which design or colors you should avoided making it consistent with the wedding theme.
- Always make a research before make any attempt to buy something.
- Always know your economy limit so that you will not over spent for minor things especially with current economy turmoil. So, spend wisely.
- Always keep in mind the wedding event will be your first and last experience in your life. So, try to make it a little bit special compared to the others. For example, one would prefer to spend thousands for her/his car but very stingy about the wedding ceremony.
- And finally, Always enjoy and happy with your wedding otherwise everything stated above are meaningless.

In memories. Kajang. 1st December 2007.