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Saturday, December 13, 2008


Go Go GREEN! Haha. Welcome to my new look blog. I am sure some of you out there will have rolling eyes when reading my blog. Maybe some might say the color is too glittering and too striking. Actually, I have chosen a GREEN as the theme color due to some reasons. As we all know, when our eyes getting tired and irritated with a daily jam-packed office work, we can somehow make it feel better by looking at something in GREEN color. This is logically true because GREEN is the color of nature (trees and grasses) which has a nature-relaxing therapy and is considered to be one of the most healing among all the colors.

Below are some beneficial points of GREEN color that I manage to grab from a color-therapy website in term of physical and psychological point of view. Anyway, I really don’t know scientifically how the color may affect us because some of them may sound funny and too precisely. Hmm.

- Green is cooling, soothing, and calming both physically and mentally. If you are exhausted, green initially has a beneficial effect, but after a time, it becomes tiring.
- Green acts upon the sympathetic nervous system. It relieves tension in the blood vessels and lowers the blood pressure. It acts upon the nervous system as a sedative and is helpful in sleeplessness, exhaustion, and irritability.
- Green dilates the capillaries and produces a sensation of warmth.
- Green is a muscle and tissue builder.
- Green is an aphrodisiac and a sex tonic.
- Green is a disinfectant, germicide, antiseptic and bacteriocide.

- Green awakens greater friendliness, hope, faith, and peace.
- Green is restful and revitalizing to overtaxed mental conditions. It is emotionally soothing.
- Green loosens and equalizes the etheric body.
- Green is the color of energy, youth, growth, inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life.
- Green is the color of envy, jealousy, and superstition.
- Green is an emotional stabilizer and pituitary stimulant.

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