Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, September 25, 2008



I just finished packing my stuffs. Of course, I will going back on this Saturday. Huhu.

I don't bring back all of my stuff because some of them will be placed in my friend's room. I have already told my friend about it and he said no problem. I hope he won't be surprised. Hehe.

Hmm. Today is just fine. Nothing much special except the weather in the morning was too cold for me and the sky was too dark. When I reached the office around 8am, only my lead engineer was there. As usual. Hehe.

After greeting him, we discussed something on the activities that might take place today. Most of it concerning vendor packages and to discuss with the client for some issues that raised from the vendor specifications. Hmm. Then, after a while, I started my job and try to finish them all by this Friday. I hope everything will go smoothly.

When I took a break for a while and join my team member for the coffee break, we have talk about our friends that would be return from their holidays on this upcoming Monday. Oh yes, I miss to meet them. Both of them. Hihi. One of them is working in the same unit with me and she spent a month for her holidays in Malaysia. Before she left for the holidays last time, I took some times to suggest and of course to promote her some of the nice places in Malaysia especially in Penang as she had already made a reservation for a week in Penang. Then, she will climb up the Mount Kinabalu which I think is not a good timing for her as the rainy season may take place during this period.

The other friend of mine will return back from her wedding holidays. Yeah, she just got married and frankly speaking I cannot wait to meet her also. I am sure she will bring back some of the sweetest memories to be shared with us in the office. As you all know, she is the one who baked me a chocolate cake for my birthday. We, the team member of this project have already collect some money to buy a wedding gift for her. I am sure she will be happy for that.

OK, it is the time for me to supper. Tomorrow, I will have a dinner with my colleague from Malaysia and the following day, I will load some of my stuffs in my friend's room. Two days to go, and then I will fly back home!
ps : kawan aku kat sini nak baca blog aku ni...so terpaksa la...hihihi

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