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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Inter-communication Fatigue

I am not in a good mood even though in 8 days time I will be going back to my hometown. I miss my wife and family. Their continuous support and courage really give me some momentum to move on. Because of them also, I still can smile and reduce the pressure built up in my head. Fortunately, all of my colleagues also shared the same feeling. It is all about the time. When I start thinking about it, I feel very upset. Don’t get me wrong, it is not because of my personal life. Again, it is all about my work here. Some people might say, to be a good employee, logically you may need to be close to your boss no matter what had happened. In other words, you just need to do everything he asked for. Different managers can stress out employees in different ways – by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue. Personally, I think this is just a small issue but somehow it becomes a burden as it was not managed and/or planned in a proper manner. I mad at nobody but just to clear up everything that polluted my mind. But what would you do if you have been informed at all of sudden that you may need to submit some tasks without any prior notice? I know the schedule was too tight but did they consider any time delayed because of other issues? For example, amendment of the design basis and some other design modifications. It is clearly involved a major impact on the overall project design if we revise the basis and definitely the overall planning will be dragged ahead. The intention to deliver the tasks earlier was not really satisfying me for some reasons. First, why do we need to deliver such documents if there are so many hold items? I believe if we were given a sufficient time, we might be able for some extent to clear up those pending items and deliver them with better information. Second, if we still need to deliver, why do we need to deliver all of them in one shot? I don’t think other disciplines need those documents at one time in order to proceed with their work. I think it can be done in such a simple manner by highlighting those critical tasks/documents/items that really need to be delivered to others in batch basis. It means we could save/optimize some times by giving an extra effort towards completing those critical documents. Hmmm. I am not saying that I always right and perhaps there are some hidden reasons that technically we didn’t know but as far as I concerned, most of the projects face and share a common problem - intercommunication.

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